Marysya Rudska
watercolours, beasts and birds
Scuba diving expeditions
Scuba diving expeditions
Whales and dolphins are fascinating creatures! Sea children with warm hearts. This is my personal project about whales. I made paintings of 58 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, and printed them as posters and stickers.
natural history illustration
scuba diving
Blue Whale
Bowhead Whale
Fin Whale
Grey Whale
Humpback Whale
Minke Whale
Pygmy Right Whale
Right Whale
Sei Whale
Beluga Whale
Sperm Whale
Dwarf Sperm Whale
Burmeister's Porpoise
Dall's Porpoise
Finless Porpoise
Harbour Porpoise
Spectacled Porpoise
Atlantic Humpback Dolphin
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Chilean Dolphin
Chinese White Dolphin
Commerson Dolphin
Common Bottlenose Dolphin
Dusky Dolphin
False Killer Whale
Fraser's Dolphin
Hector's Dolphin
Hourglass Dolphin
Killer Whale
Long-Finned Pilot Whale
Melon-Headed whale
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
Pygmy False Killer Whale
Risso's Dolphin
Short-Beaked Dolphin
Southern Right Whale Dolphin
Striped Dolphin
Berardius Beaked Whale
Blainville's Beaked Whale
Cuvie's Beaked Whale
Gervais' Beaked Whale
Ginkgo-Toothed Beaked Whale
Grey's Beaked Whale
Hector's Beaked Whale
Hubb's Beaked Whale
Northern Bottlenose Whale
Shepher's Beaked Whale
Sowesby's Beaked Whale
Strap-Toothed Whale
Tropical Bottlenose Whale
Local History / Christmas traditions / Editorial
In this Local History's issue, I've illustrated an article about an ancient Christmas tradition in Ukraine and other countries.
Local History / Dnipro sturgeon / Editorial
I've illustrated an article about the comparison sturgeon population in the Dnipro river in the past and nowadays.
WWF / Bog poster
The Frogmore Press / Editorial illustration / Cover
My Family and Other Animals / book cover
WWF / Forest poster
Thesis cover / Astronomy
Literature calendar 2024 / Personal project
There is a list of reading recommendations accompanied by illustrations for every month of the year.
Plankton / Vector illustrations
Microscopy and Plankton
Local History / Magazine cover
According to paleontologists a significant part of Ukraine was the bottom of an ancient shallow sea.
whales, dolphins and porpoises
Literature calendar 2023 / Personal project
To share my passion I created a calendar with a Ukrainian poem for each month of the year accompanied by my illustration.
Birds, Beasts, and Relatives
illustrations for a Gerald Durrell book
Tosya Reads / Reading blog illustration
Illustration for kid's YouTube reading channel
The Garden of the Gods / Book cover
Freshwater Fish
Scuba / Editorial illustration
story about an adventurous dive trip to Scotland
Bird Calendar 2019
endangered species of Ukraine
dinosaurs, ichthyosauri and pterodactyls
Our Birds
illustrations for a book on birds
Ukraine Charity / Promotional merchandise
Calendar 2018 "Carpathians"
who lives in the mountains?
Safe Place
Bumblebees of Ukraine
Deep Ocean Fish
inktober 2017
Bird Сalendar 2020
Ukrainian folklore birds
Local History / Vasyl Stus / Editorial illustration
I've illustrated an article about Ukrainian poet Vasul Stus
Black-and-White Birds
Scuba diving expeditions
Selected works from Handa and Barra expeditions
Scuba Diving
children's book by Ira Tsilyk about Kyiv
Birth of the Earth
Bird Tongue Twisters
illustrations for a children's book